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The Sport in Sierra of Cubitas

P3309429In the municipality there are two sports combinations, located of the following way: Combination No. 1 in the town of Sola and Combinado No. 2 in the Community Cubitas, telef. 32619650, where they practice the sports that from now on we relate:

(Chess, Athletics, Baseball, Boxing, Basketball, Soccer, Sports Throw and Vóleibol

Furthermore, Softbol's sport, Playa's Voly, Indoors Five-A-Side Football like sports projects in months of summer practice themselves and although we do not have the conditions for the practice of the rowing in the territory if the athletes contribute the academy of this sport.

As to the sports results of municipality we can say that in the competitions in which we participate are once the following places were obtained:

Chess Cat 9-10 - 6to Lugar20190901 104420

Chess Cat 11-12 6to Lugar

Baseball Cat 11-12 5to Lugar

Baseball 1ra Cat 3ro Lugar

Boxing Cat 11-12 5to Lugar

Boxing 1ra Cat 2do Lugar

Taekwondo Cat 11-12 7mo Lugar

Volleyball feminine 11-12 6to Lugar

Our municipality relating to the competitions in which he has participated is in a 5to general place

In the case of the Tyrus Deportivo and Soccer, have not accomplished its provincial competition and athletics and Baloncesto are sports that drew themselves up this year to the Municipality's Sports system.

In our municipality there are 2 Sports Glories

Orlando Lugo Castro being a part of the team of ball of the province of Camaguey and boxing Disnay Semanat Vargas, both residents in Sola.

Alexander Moisés Ibáñez of soccer, belonging to the community Little Barrels, the figure is called relevant. All of them with over ten years in provincial, national teams and national preselections in their sports.

We count at present on several athletes in national teams in different sports and they are:

Ivy May Vila Wittingham (Volleyball) Alone

Yainier Areo Milan (Boxing) alone

Leavening Suarez Sanjul (I Row) alone

Osmany of parch it Carballi (Soccer) Community Little Barrels

Besides our municipality Aliesky Guillen Reinaldo with a prominent work is represented in Beisbol Categorías's national and provincial championships School for the national umpire in the same. This umpire also works on the category of elders and has received for 3 consecutive years the course of preparation of umpires for the National Series of Beisbol with good results in the same.


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